


根據《Cognitive Processing》期刊的發表,維也納醫科大學進行的一項研究顯示,參與者對黑色幽默的喜好與其智商、語言能力、非語言智商及學歷等有著顯著的關聯。研究團隊邀請了156位研究對象參與實驗,結果表明,越喜歡黑色幽默的人,他們的情緒也較為穩定,並且具有較高的理解能力和學歷水平。然而,這些人往往也相對較不進取。研究人員認為,性格積極但情緒不穩定的人,往往難以理解黑色幽默的樂趣。




據《The Unbounded Spirit》的分析,幽默有助於以輕鬆的方式討論敏感的社會議題,促進群體凝聚力,減輕不安情緒,並挑戰固有的思維框架。而《The Psychological Benefit Of Dark Humor》的作者Megan Flynn認為,黑色幽默能夠以最輕鬆的方式呈現出令人害怕的議題,並在其中帶來情緒上的安撫。

The Link Between Dark Humor and Intelligence: Study Finds People Who Appreciate It Are Smarter and Emotionally Stable

We all have friends or colleagues who are quick to laugh at dark jokes, whether it’s light-hearted banter, teasing others, or self-deprecating humor. These individuals often burst into uncontrollable laughter, radiating joy. However, a recent study suggests that a person’s sense of humor—particularly their affinity for dark humor—can offer deeper insights into their personality and intelligence.

The Appeal and Complexity of Dark Humor

A study conducted by the Medical University of Vienna, published in Cognitive Processing, reveals a significant correlation between a participant’s preference for dark humor and their cognitive abilities, including IQ, language skills, non-verbal intelligence, and education level. The research involved 156 subjects, and the findings showed that those who enjoyed dark humor tended to have higher emotional stability, better comprehension skills, and more advanced education. However, the study also found that these individuals were typically less driven in their careers. The researchers suggested that individuals who are emotionally unstable and overly optimistic often struggle to grasp the subtleties of dark humor.

Why Are Smarter People Better at Appreciating Dark Humor?

The question arises: Why are only certain people able to fully appreciate dark humor? Understanding humor is a complex cognitive process, requiring the ability to gather, comprehend, and synthesize diverse pieces of information in a short time to identify connections that trigger laughter. In other words, people with higher levels of verbal and non-verbal intelligence, education, and emotional stability are more likely to understand the nuanced elements of dark humor and derive enjoyment from it.

Psychological Benefits of Dark Humor

According to The Unbounded Spirit, humor in general plays a significant role in addressing sensitive societal issues in a lighthearted manner, fostering group cohesion, reducing anxiety, and challenging traditional thinking patterns. Megan Flynn, author of The Psychological Benefit Of Dark Humor, asserts that dark humor can present frightening topics in a way that eases emotional tension, providing comfort and psychological relief.

In short, appreciating dark humor is not just a sign of a lighter spirit—it’s also indicative of higher intellectual and emotional resilience, making it a powerful tool for those with the cognitive capacity to appreciate its deeper layers.